Thank you for your interest in hosting an AHA, Inc Education Course.

In general, hosting an AHA, Inc course is most beneficial for attendees when the hosting facility is already offering therapist services at their location. Facilities should have an indoor/covered arena, staffing sufficient to handle the processing of registrations, an area appropriate for the classroom portion of the course, be a current Facility level member of  AHA, Inc, etc.

The first point of contact for hosting courses in 2015 will be the AHA, Inc. office. Please start the process by submitting an “Application to host” form via fax or email attachment.

*If the host facility and course dates are approved, the receipt of a $100 non-refundable deposit is required from the facility before the course can be advertised/listed on the AHA, Inc. website and or advertised by the hosting facility. *Failure to comply with hosting guidelines may affect future hosting opportunities. 

Please contact an AHA, Inc faculty member to discuss their costs and availability for courses.

INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: AHA, Inc Education course hosting facilities MUST provide insurance naming AHA, Inc as an additional insured with respects to the course event – for those specific course dates.  

Hosting Applications should be printed from the list below and submitted via email or fax. All applications for 2015 will be reviewed with input from the AHA, Inc. Faculty member and the office.

Click Here for 2015 hosting “blackout” dates.